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2nd in Colour print of the year

It's great being part of a Photographic club as you learn new things all the time. From new camera's to ideas, encouragement, constructive criticism and meeting photographers in your area. 
At St George Photographic Society we have a digital and print evaluation every month and the images that receive an award go to the Annual Awards night at the end of the year and a couple of industry judges come and pick the best out of the colour and black and white categories in both print and digital. 
This year a couple of my images made it on the wall that interests the two judges which they then spoke about. I was extremely surprised with what they said about my "A Wave of Colour" image. Allan said that he looked up the top 10 best architecture photographers list and that my image could definitely be up there. He said mine was even better than some of them on there. I was shocked when I heard that!! I am really honoured to receive this award for my favourite image out of my 10 portfolio series.  

Selected by great photographers Mark Kelly and Allan Coker. St George Camera Club Awards Night 2016

A Wave of Colour

A Wave of Colour

2nd in Colour print



On the judges to talk about wall

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Sydney, Australia
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